June 29, 2020 at 11:52 pm by 123 Find A Web Designer | Posted in Mobile Web Design, Web Design
More than a decade ago, the iPhone transformed the way we do browsing. Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple when he was launching iPhone to the world for the first time said that the future needed a wide screen iPod with touch controls, revolutionary mobile phone and breathtaking internet connections. But when the time came to unveil the products, he only had one device that could perform three separate functions and that was the birth of smartphones that revolutionized the way we browse on the internet.
In the modern world web developers and owners have to ensure that their websites are mobile friendly. Responsive web design is the way to go as it makes it possible to develop websites that work across several platforms. There are also many other alternatives like UX optimization strategies for mobile. There is a very strong emphasis for developing your website so that it becomes mobile- first experience. This simply means that the design and content should be optimized for users first. Listed below are some of the best ways to optimize your website for mobile users.
Designing with mobile in mind
Most of the websites are being developed with the principle of serving desktop users. Real web in real advanced technologies is best displayed on a full screen. Smartphones are a different thing and developers are starting to adopt to the concept of mobile first design. Prioritization is very important when developing mobile first web designs. This is because mobile screens present content in a vertical manner as opposed to horizontal structure. This implies that you must design using prioritization. You also need to consider the content before color. Make the content easily readable and accessible this is because a mobile device is far much less forgiving on distractive visual elements. You can’t just click anywhere on a mobile device and return back to the home page unless the websites were developed with this kind of plan. There are many types of websites that were designed for desktop, but have adopted mobile design well. Some of the best escort sites like https://SkipTheGames.app along with other adult sites developed their sites to be optimized for mobile devices and now have a majority user base coming from that source.
Resource optimization
It is a very common phenomenon to go for visual elements however, the visual elements like photos, videos and icons are the biggest bandwidth of consumers on the web. As much as there isn’t a set of web pages that everyone must meet it is very common to go for smaller web page size that equals faster loading times. The best thing is to trim extra KBs or even MBs of your visual elements. For mobile devices there is no reason for images to go above 600-700 px range.
Reduce file size with compression where the image is optimized to reduce the number of colors that is present in the image. This can be done in a way that your photos do not lose their image quality but have their full size reduced drastically. You can also explore alternative file formats like the SVGs which can automatically be scale down to match the screen size.
Pre loading and lazy loading
It is highly recommended to load pages on media resources that take a significant amount of time to load. Pre loaders are basically ways of telling a browser that there is a potential navigation visit from page B to page A. keep it in mind that pre loading doesn’t always work and it is up to the browser to make the final decision. Certain factors such as device type and bandwidth are weighed individually. Some of the most common types of preloading include prefetch, pretender and DNS-prefetch among many more. When it comes to lazy loading the browser is forced to hold certain images or content files as opposed to fetching the entire content like in normal browsing.
Web catching
Web catching is based on a concept of a web page which is then presented to the user at any given time. The pages are cached upon the first visit once a new user tries to access the page then instead of showing the live version, the web server will show the cached version. The ultimate goal of any kind of caching is to improve on the performance of the website and required back end resources. Examples of this are the progressive web app pages also knows as PWA.
Accelerated mobile pages AMP
Googles AMP project is a mobile optimization project that is on steroids. AMP essentially strips down your pages to bare before it starts to provide super-fast loading experience. It also aims to make content readability a priority.…
Read more»June 4, 2019 at 12:47 am by 123 Find A Web Designer | Posted in Web Design, Web Development
Although you may not be designing and developing a website yourself. It is always important to be an informed consumer. Of course a really good web designer will have a strong working knowledge of current trends that are driving websites. However, you may be saving some money and simply utilizing a web developer that has amazing technical skills. This would mean you need to be aware of effective design trends, especially ones that may be specific or identifiable to your product, service, or industry. This is a great succinct video that covers some of the web design trends populating the internet this year. Check it out: